วันเสาร์ที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2558

Writing an introduction


            Metal streak artifact is the major problem in the computed tomography. It appears as bright and dark streaks throughout the cross section images and around the metal. It is caused by multiple mechanisms, some of which are related to the metal itself, and some of which are related to metal edges. The metal itself causes beam hardening, scatter effects and Poisson noise. The metal edges causes streaks due to under sampling, motion, cone beam, and windmill artifacts.  Beam hardening and scatter result in dark streak between metal. Various techniques for metal artifact reduction have been introduced in the literature for improved computed tomography image quality. Boas (2011) reported that metal artifacts due to photon starvation, beam hardening, and motion can suppress by his metal artifact reduction technique (p.894-902). Raoul (2012) noted that quantitative assessment of clinical images demonstrated improved image quality for Radon transformation and forward projection by using scanner’s original raw data techniques of metal artifact reduction but the technique that using scanner’s original raw data showed better image quality than the other technique (p.1125-1132). Koehler (2012) presented a new technique for suppress metal artifact, which is based on a sinogram interpolation technique. All of the current techniques and methods for reducing metal artifacts in computed tomography images have not achieved widespread in clinical use and some techniques can produce new artifacts in the computed tomography images.

            The aim of this study is to develop the computer software to suppress the metal artifact in the computed tomography images by iterative reconstruction technique. It should be improve image quality and diagnostic confidence of the metallic artifact region in the routine clinical application. The new iterative reconstruction algorithm will be implemented to Department of Radiology, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital for reduction the metal artifact in the patients.

4 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. Nice start, and succinct, too! :D

    Your first few lines have no citation? I think your first sentence is general enough to go uncited, but everything up to Boas (2011), is that commonly known? Or does all that information come from multiple researchers? You want to use an information prominent citation for those lines.

    "Metal streak artifact is the major problem in the computed tomography." = "the" major problem or "a" major problem?

    Some other things I noticed:
    can suppress by
    by using scanner’s original raw data techniques
    to develop the computer software
    should be improve
    implemented to Department of Radiology, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital for reduction the metal artifact in the patients

  2. Hi, Sornjarod Oonsiri

    I have some suggestions to you. I think the introduction does not need to put the page number of the reference.

    And after "between" in this sentence " Beam hardening and scatter result in dark streak between metal." should be mean two things. You should tell the reader what kinds of metal or parts of metal you say.

    "Raoul (2012) noted that quantitative assessment of clinical images demonstrated improved image quality for Radon transformation and forward projection by using scanner’s original raw data techniques of metal artifact reduction but the technique that using scanner’s original raw data showed better image quality than the other technique (p.1125-1132)." This sentence is so long.
    May I change it in my opinion? You may be separate it into two sentences like this "Raoul (2012) noted ..reduction. But the technique using scanner’s original raw data showed better image quality than the others. "

    "the other technique" I'd like to change --> the others or other techniques.

    What do you think about my opinion? Please tell me and back to comment on my blog.


    1. Thank you for your suggestion. I will rewrite it again according to your comment.

      Thank you
